Baby Brings Traveling Tips

Having a baby is not an obstacle for parents to keep doing the traveling. Especially if the child is over the age of 3 months and have been immunized so your baby can also be invited to participate. However, traveling with a baby is different from traveling alone or together with a partner. When we took our baby and child to follow the roads, then there are some things we have to prepare.

Baby Brings Traveling Tips

Here are tips that I apply when carrying Gania, my little daughter when traveling by car:

Take a trip when the age of the baby over 3 months. For babies who are still under the age of 3 months, you should not make long trips for baby's body resistance is low and vulnerable to contracting the disease. If it was forced as Gania, who was still 1 month and I have to come to Bali, then choose land transport is convenient and free from tobacco smoke. If you take a plane, it's rather difficult affair. There must be a letter from a pediatrician that says if the baby is in good health. Then there should be a birth certificate, must sign the document before flying range, etc. But when it's over three months, many airlines that have allowed the baby on a plane with certain conditions.

Choose the right time. If you take a bus or private vehicle, leaving at night was the most appropriate choice. Because at that time the baby will be asleep. Position your baby as comfortable as possible. Gania I usually carry or sleeping on the lap. If the baby can sit, preferably occupied over the car seat.

Set the air conditioner temperature. Keep the air conditioning temperature not too cold. If the vehicle temperature cold, put the sweater or blanket and cover her head with a baby hat.

Prepare Baby Food and Beverages. Well, to your baby is getting solid foods, do not forget to prepare food and drink to be consumed.

Do not forget to enter baby supplies such as diapers, wet tissue, the Oil Telon, and a change of clothes in a separate bag out of the trunk. This is to anticipate the baby urination, defecation, vomiting, and others.

Invites babies traveling turned out better know. No hassle we imagined so long as they are set as mature as possible.

May be useful :)

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